Name: Sven Kurbel
Place of birth: Osijek, Croatia

1979-84: Zagreb Medical Faculty, Croatia
1984-6: postgraduate study of Alergology and Clinical Immunology at Zagreb MF
1991: MSc thesis: Immunoreactive growth hormone in human tissue
1988-93: specialization in internal medicine
1997: PhD dissertation: High resolution CT in diffuse liver diseases
2001: visiting professor at Dept of Physiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky, USA (APS Teaching Career Enhancement Award)
2003: subspecialization in medical oncology
1984-6: scientific novice
1987-8: general practice
1999: assistant professor of Medical Physiology at Osijek Medical Faculty
2001-8: head of Dept of Oncology of Osijek University Hospital
2004: associate professor of Medical Physiology at Osijek Medical Faculty
2008: professor of Medical Physiology at Osijek Medical Faculty
2008: internist in Policlinic Sunce, Osijek, Croatia

Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Medical Chamber
European Society for Medical Oncology
American Physiological Society